Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sparky's Safe Lawn Tip - 5 Ways to Put Fall Leaves to Work

So, it's Fall. The weather's getting crisper, football is in the air...and your lawn is now covered with fallen leaves.  Normally, we'd just rake them up and get them out.  But, we found another great use for them - 5 in fact - from a great article from Mass Audubon

Check them out below - and share your tips!

Why: Leaves act as a home for many different types of beneficial insects (ground and rove beetles, spiders, caterpillars), as well as amphibians such as wood frogs. A layer of leaves also serves as a root protection for trees and shrubs by keeping in moisture and moderating the temperature of the soil. And if that’s not reason enough, you will also attract more birds, which rely on leaves for shelter, nesting material, and water.
How: Leave behind a thin layer of leaves in areas that people don’t walk on (you wouldn’t want anyone slipping). If you’re worried about your grass being smothered, chop the leaves with a lawn mower.
Good to know: Researchers from Michigan State University have found that chopped leaves left on lawns may actually help suppress dandelions.

Why: A less expensive and taxing option to raking, bagging, and disposing, leaf mulch mimics a natural forest ecosystem, making for excellent nutrient recycling. Plus, it’s more sustainable and you don’t have to buy mulch come planting season.
How: When the leaves begin to fall, mow your lawn as you normally would. This will shred the leaves, making them decompose faster and a bit easier to pack around the bases of plants. In vegetable and perennial gardens, you can keep the leaves whole, and then turn them over come spring. Or, if you like, you could rake them and put them in a shredder.
Good to know: Songbirds love leaf mulch since it harbors lots of nutritious bugs! 

Why: Any gardener can extol the merits of compost. Good compost requires a mix of high nitrogen (grass clippings, food waste) and high carbon components. The best bet for the latter? Fallen leaves.
How: Scoop them up whole and add them to your compost pile. Not only do they add bulk but leaves make for good aeration. Don’t have a compost pile yet? Leaves are a great way to get started. To speed up the decomposing process, you can shred them a little.
Good to know: Leaves that have been left on the ground for awhile bring useful decomposing microorganisms to the compost pile. A good excuse to put off the yard work!

Why: There’s nothing more thrilling that jumping into a big pile of leaves (and that goes for both kids and adults). Note: Be aware of ticks. Wear light colored clothes and check yourself for ticks after playing outside.
How: In addition to a good old-fashioned leaf pile, you can make a scarecrow, add leaves to vases or window boxes, preserve brightly colored fallen leaves, or make leaf rubbings. For more ideas, visit our Ready Set Go Outside article on leaves.
Good to know: It’s good luck to catch a falling leaf before it touches the ground. Slap the lucky leaf against your forehead, turn around in three complete circles, and then make a wish!

Why: Think a leaf is simply just a leaf? Think again. There are compound and simple leaves, broad leaves and needle leaves, leafstalks, leaf teeth, and leaf veins. By learning more about the leaves you see every day, you will gain more appreciation for the natural world around you.
How: Pick up one of the countless books written on the subject. A few of our favorites, which can be found at the Audubon Shop at Drumlin Farm in Lincoln, include: The Sibley Guide to Trees, Fall Color Finder, Why Do Leaves Change Color?, and The Tree Book for Kids and Their Grown Ups. .
Good to know: While we now know science is behind leaves changing color, countless legends have been linked to this fall phenomenon, including Native American lore that said when hunters killed the Great Bear in the sky, the bear’s blood fell on the forests, turning some of the leaves red.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your post. This is another way of saying that fallen leaves during fall can be turned into something useful and worth doing. Before, we are getting tired of the leaves that are falling everyday in our lawn or yard, not knowing that these can be used as fertilizer for the lawn. Now we know that there is a good use for them, following the steps of this post and use a little creativeness then we can achieve good results. - Atlanta Lawn Care
