Monday, June 18, 2012

Sparky's Safe Lawn Tip - Juice Up Your Compost!

From our friends at GreenerGreenGrass:

We survived the move with nothing broken (not even my spirit, miraculously)!  I have treated my body so badly during the past few weeks – not exercising enough, eating crappy food because we’ve been going out so much, not getting enough sleep, perhaps drinking a little too much wine… The list goes on and on.

So, in an effort to be nicer to myself (for a few days anyway), I’m doing a 3-day juice fast.  I’m normally kind of skeptical of these types of fads, but the stars have aligned in such a way that I believe that this is a good thing for me to do.  For now, anyway.

Yes, I watched the movie Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and I will say that it had an impact on me.  I have a passion for health and wellness and I love to see success stories like the ones profiled in the movie.  A friend of ours was inspired by the movie and has become a success story herself – she has lost 30 pounds so far and she’s still going strong!  She’s got a nice blog about juicing if you need some inspiration yourself.

On top of all this, another friend is opening a juice bar right here in Portland and I am so pumped about it!  Roost House of Juice is going to be fabulous!  They source from local farmers (including New Beat Farm, where I used to be a CSA member – they uses horses to plow their fields and farmer Adrienne is great, and not just because we share the same name).  Roost  will also give back to the community by donating a portion of the proceeds from their Give a Hoot Juice to local organizations.  They’re in the midst of a Kickstarter campaign to raise some funds.  I’ll be making a donation later because I can’t wait for them to open!  There is definitely a positive side to being a mainlander again…

Anyway, all of this just to say that I have made a lot of juice today, which has resulted in a lot of leftover pulp.  As I was shoveling it into the garbage disposal, I couldn’t help but think how awesome it would be for my long, lost compost pile on Peaks.  Sigh… I do have some nifty plans for the citrus peels though!  I’m going to make an all-natural citrus peel vinegar cleaner that I can use instead of stinky chemicals.

I do think that if this little juicing trial results in a long-term habit, I’ll definitely have to find an outlet for all this pulp.  I just hate to see it go to waste when it could be turning into nutrient-rich compost.  Any juicers out there have suggestions for leftover pulp?

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