Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sparky's Safe Lawn Tip - Worm Your Way to a Great Lawn

There's many ways to keep your emerald lawn flush, aerated and healthy.  And Mother Nature's provided a friendly little helper for us - the earthworm! 

These friendly little critters provide many benefits, including:
  • Dethatching your lawn
  • Provide organic fertilizer
  • Distribute water to your lawn
  • Prevent lawn disease
Our friends at Ecological Lawn Care (via GreenerGreenGrass) posted this spiffy infographic about the earthworm and your lawn:

Have you had any experience with earthworms?  We'd love to hear about 'em!  

1 comment:

  1. I am going to put worms in my lawn after reading this article. It really inspired me to do something about it. I wasn't aware that they could cause it to be so fertile.
    John Bond | http://www.lawnsprinklersservice.net/
