Monday, April 23, 2012

Sparky's Safe Lawn Tip - Consider adding compost and soil amendments

Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy spirit...healthy soil.

Just the same way all of us don't look like Brad Pitt, we can't all be blessed with perfect soil.  But don't fear: with a little ingenuity and the addition of healthy soil amendments, your soil can get a lot closer. 

Understand your soil test
To start, you've got to understand the outcome of your soil test.  If your soil has less than 5% organic matter, is damaged by chemicals and is compacted, then use 1/4-1/2 inch compost.

Become a composting captain!
Compost is an ideal soil amendment, filling in that much-needed organic content to your soil and suppressing any grass pathogens.  In addition, compost helps your soil by helping neutralize the soil; and keeping in nutrients and water by adding water and microorganisms.  One more great thing about compost: by helping along any other issues your soil may have, this frees you up to do to the gardening you love.  Great, right?

How composting happens
Organic matter is transformed into compost through the work of microorganisms, soil fauna, enzymes and fungi.  Your compost should give these beneficial organisms the best environment to flourish.  To make this happen as quickly (and effectively) as possible, you need to balance four key ingredients:
1. Carbon - Carbon-rich materials are like the power bars for microorganisms.  Examples are dry leaves, straw and rotted hay.
2. Nitrogen - High-nitrogen materials add protein so microorganisms can multiply.  Examples are fresh weeds, grass clippings, overripe fruits and veggies.
3. Water - Moisture's important; but as a rule of thumb, keep your soil like a well-wrung sponge.
4. Oxygen - Your little microorganisms need O2 to do their best.  Be sure to keep turning and aerating your compost pile.

More resources
Gardener's Supply did a great article on "All about composting" - check it out here.  Composting is fun, and also a great way to work with our environment...and get a healthy lawn in the process.

What are some of your composting recipes?       

1 comment:

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