Monday, March 26, 2012

Sparky's Safe Lawn Tip - Aerate your soil to prevent weeds and reduce compaction

OK team, now that we're heading into Spring we need to get down to some real lawn care maintenance. This week's task is core aeration.

What is aeration?
Lawn (or core) aeration helps to reduce compaction by pulling up plugs of soil and then allowing air, water and nutrients to reach the grass roots.

Why you should aerate your lawn
Over the course of the Winter, your soil gets hard and compact. This works when you're trying to ice skate in your backyard; but, not so great for your lawn come Spring. When your lawn gets too compact, the grass might not be getting the vital air and nutrients it needs to reach its full potential.

What's so good about aeration?
Core aeration helps to:
1. Reduce compaction.
2. Strengthen grass roots, allowing them to grow deeper (this also gives you a greener, more beautiful lawn)
3. Reduce weeds.

When and how you should aerate your lawn
Lawn aeration twice per year - at the beginning (March) and at the end (Fall) of the lawn care season is ideal. Aerators can be bought or rented, or a good supply of earthworms will aerate the soil adequately as long as there is no compaction problem. You should always aerate before reseeding.

Natural Turf can help
The Spring lawn care season's upon us! Reach out to a Natural Turf lawn care professional team today for a personal consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

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