Monday, February 27, 2012

Sparky's Safe Lawn Tip - Gather the right lawn tools for a healthy lawn

The lawn season is getting closer...and closer. Without question, having the right tools for the job will make the job of lawn maintenance easier, and will help make your lawn as beautiful as it can be.

There are so many tools, manufacturers - at all ranges of prices - that it's difficult to determine what the best way to go is. So what should be in your green cabinet?

Here's a good list of 10 essentials:

1. A spring tined rake
2. A garden fork
3. A spade or shovel
4. A pair of edging shears

5. A half-moon edging tool
6. A besom (a.k.a. a witch's broom)
7. A push spreader
8. A trimmer or edger
9. A long-handled shear
10. A mower

For more information, you can checkout the entire article from our friends at Or, better yet, visit our website to learn about our services and contact a Natural Turf professional today. We're happy to help you fill out your green lawn cabinet with the tools to The Better Way to a lush, healthy lawn.


  1. thanks for sharing the safe lawn tips.....
    Turf Manchester

  2. Hi Adam,

    Thanks for your comment - especially from across the pond! Hope all's well in the UK, and reach out with any specific questions.

    Darryl @ Natural Turf

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